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[英文] 晨读英文诗歌汉英对照:瞬间

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發表於 2016-7-2 11:54:22 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
晨读英文诗歌汉英对照:瞬间  有时候,邻家的鸽子落在我的窗台上
+ d# _) B" h7 G8 R1 \  咕咕地轻啼
% C# w6 |! m' B$ Z& U  窗口的大杨树不知不觉间已高过了四层楼的屋顶
( w; X( x, g& j) h" Z; R  j  它们轻绕那些树冠又飞回来' Z8 [5 u+ Y( J. ]5 l
  阳光在蓬松的羽毛上那么温柔. Z' n& t+ e9 x6 g
" X6 m# p! W) Q, s2 q  我往往空着手从街上回来
1 C+ y0 d8 A2 {7 V& Y: I7 A1 I& ~  把书和上衣掷在床上; N) D! ^2 I& {/ i1 y, T. G5 e& e
1 {9 K, ^2 |5 i; G3 j  我时常不能带回来什么+ h' U% e$ n* K4 V/ ?
  即使离家数日$ |$ X; Y: \8 O# c1 ]  V
  只留下你和这小小的屋子6 q0 r* }- T7 t, ]4 ^& I
2 t( {1 F# X4 }7 J" h  面对无声无息的默契
1 L4 p% }' r8 ]% _6 {9 N  我们已习惯了彼此间的宽容! x8 i+ D# ?. h+ ]! w" F7 T& i
. G6 U0 W& r8 k3 h7 ?9 c3 ?  他们在许多瞬间属于我们& {, m) ^6 X/ Y) F0 w8 Y  f7 p! U
1 N8 w( X) h) R+ D6 D! G  如果生活时时在给予
  r. o5 E- r! Z0 t  那也许是另一回事
$ E, z, G% C: }% r# B" v  我知道,那无意间提出的请求并不过份  u& s! l2 v, [  z' c. u
  我知道,夏日正转向秋天4 c) T# R  }9 E' Z, i
! B# v2 L  k, w- ?. G  不是说再回到阳光下幽深的绿荫1 w3 |* }7 f3 B; i
  日子需要闲遐的时候* W. U! G- o2 Z
  把家收拾干净,即使: @% Y" @4 M9 z* Q: z- \* W. @. ~
8 K' `# h+ S$ i, T8 C% |2 G6 w  情感也会在其间潜潜走过7 o4 \$ C+ \& c8 Z% B8 |# y, r
  当唇际间最初的战栗使你感知了幸福' I% K5 C+ N9 f; g$ I9 R
  这一瞬已延伸到了生命的尽头  p8 i) M; X+ C3 U% v' a
  而那些请求都是无意间说出的6 ]; ^& G. l. M# {9 B( W
  Sometimes the neighbour's pigeons land on my windowledge
* O/ ~: d2 G3 I8 O4 ~8 k  Cooing softly: b9 S' c. z  N" H2 o6 G9 i
  Where the great poplar at the window has somehow
  Z$ F; ]! N  |! E  grown beyond the fourth-floor roof
4 x; E* S1 j0 C% G* y  They skim round its crown and back
4 D4 k& K$ P3 J3 \  The sunlight on their fluffy feathers
, \5 l, X1 B- x6 g3 b( g0 F  Alive day by day( {$ b' ~1 n* k+ h3 y
  I keep coming indoors empty-handed; v; k/ f# c8 J: ?' c0 r' v
  And throwing book and jacket on the bed
! d) {' A5 m7 l6 m5 k7 P5 S# t  As the days hurry by1 V7 y, b, L+ a% I+ n
  I can bring scarcely anything home- \% ?8 h& ^! |- s
  Even after days away, C8 z' j# ~. p! d1 U
  Only you remain and the little room% \$ R& ?( H0 P7 y- @
  Living day by day4 X* q% x0 S) A7 M
  We have grown used
0 I0 `2 z( X7 Z% V6 E; {: [  By an unspoken pact to the room's breadth
) G& c8 P6 r4 t" p/ Q  A pair of pigeons cooing softly on the windowledge
4 Y* O2 f* D; z' H. \8 V2 P! L  Which at many instants belong to us* u. y. |4 _( {1 m- f* X
  Day by day
0 P- ^. G6 t! w" H% i2 c  Dust that falls on book spines gradually yellows
& ]( h8 s4 k% x  Perhaps it is otherwise! F& l: \) T5 M+ i! m
  That life, if it does, provides) w( J+ E5 e. ~5 |2 S
  I know that the unwitting request is not excessive! t) F9 [( T6 T( S2 e6 R
  And that summer turns to autumn
! t; y- }8 s( L0 X5 ?" O  Perhaps fallen leaves will swirl after a night of rain
$ L: x  P/ R& T  D9 G; M8 Y/ m4 Y  It does not mean a return to green shade deep in sunlight
" m- R9 u4 }, B  A house-cleaning when leisure affords
8 ]4 K1 G" F0 t/ g  Feelings may come on latent even as
+ u# \  `- U' a6 @  Irrelevancies are spoken softly
) A* n. g8 z5 w6 m+ A' a/ \  The instant when a first trembling on the lips teaches you happiness2 m! Q. C3 X: p. f( d" k
  Lasts till the end of life& c$ X8 K1 C' U3 t# S3 d1 l
  A request always voiced unwittingly, E' l8 W9 G( l( l* ?


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